Atinuke here! Your favorite Chief Slay Officer of EM Wigs.
Whether it's March, Women's month or May, Mother's month 💃💃....we celebrate all women always!!! and wish you all the best of everything.
As a socially conscious brand, we're happy to announce our Social responsibility to our community for 2023!

If you've been following us for a while, you'd know that since 2021, we've grown from just a profit-oriented business to a people/community driven brand.
We started by giving back $2 from every of your qualifying purchases in 2021/2022 to advance the research on the auto-immune disease - called Alopecia plainly known as hair loss.
By the grace of God and with your support, we contributed our quota to this through the Canadian Alopecia Areata Foundation - CANAAF. The organization reached out to thank us and we are in turn thanking you for making it a success.
This year, we are back with another initiative! We will be donating a wig to the wig library of CANAAF for Every 15 human hair wigs and every 30 Synthetic Wigs that we sell! Yes
So what is the wig library? You ask....
Often, Alopecians, like many others, struggle with wig buying! They usually have many questions, like: Should I get a human hair wig or synthetic? Long or short? Blonde or honey brown or burgundy? Closed cap or open? Lace Closure or lace frontal? The list goes on and on. Sometimes they also struggle adjusting to a wig, and before purchasing a wig, they often ask themselves: Is this really going to work for me?
So the CANAAF Wig Lending Library is a curation of different styles of wigs that is available for loaning by women experiencing hair loss.
So why the wig lending library?
I realized that the library is limited in the offerings for women of colour! And this got me thinking really hard....so to foster inclusiveness and recognition of this disease amongst black and women of colour, it is important that wigs that support this group should be present in the library.
Hence, We need your help and hope that we can count on you to achieve this. The more wigs you buy, the more we can donate and the more people we can help!
So, if you're looking to buy a wig and also lend your support to women in our community facing hair loss, then you should totally shop from us today
Thank you very much for your love, support and attention