Hairlo Gorgeous,
Fall season is seriously upon us (and some have even started experiencing mild snow like our dear Edmonton), and we know what that means for most ladies.
Fall Season = Wig Season
It is time to open the chests and compartments – or wherever you store your wigs (this deserves a separate post that you should watch out for). Asides from the enhanced beauty enjoyed when we wear our wigs, the fullness of the hair provides extra layer of protection from the cold – you will agree with me that the biting cold is unfair to the ears. The real question however is; when the wig comes flying off, WHAT SHALL WE FIND UNDER THERE? In your head you are probably thinking you do not jump on motorcycles ‘okada’ again, or experience a gush of wind strong enough to force your exquisite looking hair off your head but like my mama would always tell me, be prepared for any eventuality! What if it mistakenly slips because you brushed something?
So here are 3 ways to prevent your wig from falling off this season:

1. Holding Spray
First, a story. I remember an incident riding on the LRT (train transportation), my wig was super wonky and falling off. It must have been from walking too fast or running to catch the train. The lady across me gave me a knowing look and smile as I stylishly adjusted to make it appear decent. This was before I learned that there is a thing called “holding spray”. I use either of these to keep my units firmly in place these days but any other glue alternative should be just fine
2. Extra elastic bands
Ever wondered why you received an extra elastic band when you received your EM Wigs? It is for cases like I described above. The wide elastic bands help add another layer of security to your wigs. All you have to do is attach it to the 2 edges of your lace and you are good to go. It works for both lace closures and frontals. I have even heard of ladies using them for both no-closure and 360 closure wigs.
3. Short sewing-in of your wig at the 4 corners
This is the last method that I usually think of because for me it defeats the purpose of a wig. However, it is easier than it sounds as all you need to do is a couple of “tacking” with your needle and thread at the four corners of your wig. Tacking shouldn’t be a problem, especially if you did some home economics in high school or you are a queen of DIY like me. This can be done on almost all wigs especially closure wigs, no-lace wigs, bang wigs, curly wigs, straight wigs, Kinky straight wigs, short wigs or even long wigs. One important thing to note is that the cornrows to which you can tack the wig is a must – like a prerequisite of some sort.
Finally, dear sistas, be intentional about the state of the cornrows under your cap. And if you are sporting a teeny afro, keep it neatly combed. Remember there is another human being you most likely lay beside to sleep every night. Someone of towering height coming close enough to kiss or peck you on the cheek. Even if no one else sees or smells, when you prepare to unwind at night and you stand in front of the mirror to wipe the accumulated make-up and sweat off your face, do you like what you see on top of head? 100%?
Think on that…
The choice is yours, simply pick the method that works best for you and let me know in the comment section as I will be waiting to read from you.

This is me saying, take a risky jump and if the wig falls off, you are guaranteed that the beauty runs all the way to the roots 😊 And of course, I am rocking my EM wigs in this photo…as an #emwigsbella that I am proud to be!
I am @afroedmontonian, an aspiring hodophile based out of Edmonton. My favorite thing to do is taking pictures unashamedly for social media. I love exploring and sharing names of spots to visit with my circle of friends and fans. As long as it is artsy and makes for good photography, I am in! I would love for you to connect with me on Instagram where I will also be giving away some coupons to shop from EM Wigs.
To get the latest deals and coupons from our store, visit here.
Stay connected with EM Wigs, your number 1 Canadian plug for trendy and un-spendy quality wigs that boost your confidence and self esteem on IG, Fb or Twitter via these hashtags #EMWigsBella, #EMblogs and #BabesOfEmaisonwigs